INTL FCStone is one of the largest U.S.- based commercial brokerage firms, working with companies across the globe. They provide commodity risk management, hedging, market intelligence and complete marketing services to traders, processors, manufacturers, elevators and end users. Atlas is excited to host Julio Sera, VP, Trading for a condensed version of the three-day Futures & Risk Management event they host regularly at their HQ in Miami.
This one-day program will focus on market fundamentals for coffee buyers and sellers. We will discuss how an improved understanding of market risk can help any size organization improve their resilience to market volatility. Keep reading below for a full list of topics to be covered in this seminar. There will be plenty of opportunity for questions and discussion throughout the day.
When: April 18th, 2018 8:30am - 5:00pm
Where: Atlas HQ, Seattle WA
Cost: $500 (includes light breakfast and lunch)
Instructors: Julio Sera, VP, Trading at INTL FCStone Financial
Click here to register on our Education Page. Minimum 5 attendees to hold the class; Maximum 16.
- Introduction to INTL FCStone Financial Inc. / Coffee Group
- Where are Coffee Prices Now, and Why?
- Supply and Demand Fundamentals
- Price Volatility and Imperfect Information
- Coffee Market “Variables” to Track
- Introduction to Futures
- History, Development and Principles of the Futures Markets
- The Exchange
- Economic Function
- Regulatory Entities
- Price Mechanism
- Market Participants
- Open Interest
- Margin Deposits
- Mechanics
- Electronic Transactions
- Life Cycle of a Futures Contract
- Market Mechanics
- Order Flow
- Order types
- Procedures and Mechanics of a Hedge
- Switch Theory and Calculation
- AA / EFP Exchange for Physicals
- Long Hedge
- Short Hedge
- Exchange Certified Stocks