Kyauk Ku Pyin

By: Susan Heller-Evenson

Sep 13, 2024

In the Kyauk Ku Pyin community, over 400 Danu families grow Catuai coffee at an elevation of 1,356 masl. Their coffee is one of the brightest and most citric naturals we’ve cupped, and like all the other Shwe Thaung Tu community naturals, it is remarkably clean. During a visit from Craig Holt and Susan Heller-Evenson, while they met with the women and men driving specialty coffee production, a woman arrived on foot carrying a bag and a basket of pristinely ripe coffee cherries. She was not tall, and it looked like a lot of coffee on her back. They weighed it, and found out she’d carried 110 pounds of coffee for fifteen minutes to get there. We were all humbled to consider the effort it takes to produce every pound of coffee from these communities.

Coffee Stats:

  • GPS: 21.22748, 96.4502
  • Elevation (masl): 1,356
  • Ethnic Group:  Danu
  • Households: 500
  • Households Producing Coffee: 400
  • Harvest: Dec-Feb
  • Producing area: 250 hectares
  • Varietals: 100% Catuai
  • Average Coffee Yield: 1,000 kg fresh cherries/acre
  • Varietals: 100% Catuai