Personalized coffee trading services to benefit the global coffee community

What is good for our business should be good for the entire supply chain.

Be Good

To the people we buy from.

We pay premium prices, invest in environmental sustainability, ongoing education and quality assurance, and offer access to global markets.

To the people we sell to.

We provide the best possible products, education and services, with integrity and efficiency.

To the people who work here.

We offer fair compensation and embrace creativity, humor, and celebration.

Do Good

Find the right coffee for the right buyer.

We thoughtfully match coffees and buyers to open up new markets for producers and provide better choices for our clients.

Forge relationships.

We seek out meaningful, long-term, collaborative partnerships with producers, vendors, and clients.

Educate and inform.

In a complex industry, we are a reliable resource for information and practical education for our partners.

Our mission is to provide personalized coffee trading services to benefit the global coffee community. This means our focus and energy are directed toward quality–of coffee, of business, of relationships, of environment. We want what is good for Atlas to be equally good for our vendors, our clients, and the people who work here.

We strive to operate with integrity and professionalism while maintaining a sense of humor and deep appreciation for the privilege of getting to work in a great industry. Ultimately, we love sharing our enthusiasm for coffee and helping to create a thriving global community.

As a division of Neumann Gruppe USA, Inc., part of the Neumann Kaffee Gruppe (NKG), we are supported by a global community of coffee service companies.

This is some text that should get over written.

The Ad Archive

Wow, did you scroll all the way down here? Bonus reading: an archive of Atlas’ print ads through the years.